Sunday 9 January 2011

Oh Oh I Love Her So

Coney IslandMan: I now pronounce you President of these United --
Reporter: Stop the inauguration! I just discovered our President Elect got an F in second grade gym class!
[crows gasps; Lisa is handcuffed]
Man: In that case I sentence you to a lifetime of horror on Monster Island. [to Lisa] Don't worry, it's just a name.
[Lisa and others are chased by fire-breathing monsters]
Lisa: He said it was just a name!
Man: What he meant is that Monster Island is actually a peninsula.
-- Lisa's future, "Lisa on Ice", The Simpsons.

So we took the car downtown the kids were hanging out all around
Then we went down to Coney Island on the coaster and around again
-- "Oh Oh I love her so", The Ramones.

Flatbush boy cruisin' sheepshead bay
His boardwalk mama just a sniff away
Underground dmt, ridin' thunder train
The cone island white fish boy is on the run again
-- "Bone To Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)", Aerosmith.

Kramer: All right, Coney Island. Ok, you can take the B or the F and switch for the N at Broadway Lafayette, or you can go over the bridge to DeKalb and catch the Q to Atlantic Avenue, then switch to the IRT 2, 3, 4 or 5, but don't get on the G. See that's very tempting, but you wind up on Smith and 9th street, then you got to get on the R.
Elaine: Couldn't he just take the D straight to Coney Island?
Kramer: Well, yeah...
-- "The Subway", Seinfeld.

So I take the subway down to Coney Island to go on the Cyclone. Here I am, I'm sitting on the "D" train for an hour and fifteen minutes, so I can go on a scary ride. How dumb is that? You know that first sharp drop on the Cyclone? I fell asleep. It was the least exciting part of my day.
-- Jerry Seinfeld.

Jerry: So, can I convince anybody to come down to Coney Island with me? I got to pick up my car at the pound. George?
Jerry: So what do you say? Run in the cyclone. Hotdogs on Nathan's is on me.
Jerry: Could be years before I get back to Coney Island. I can't go to rides alone.
-- "The Subway", Seinfeld.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Maybe I'm Amazed

Lois: Have you designed any buildings in New York?
George: Have you seen the new addition to the Guggenheim?
Lois: You did that?
George: Yep. And it didn't take very long either.
-- "The Race", Seinfeld.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Tonight, tonight

Is never time at all
You can never ever leave
Without leaving a piece of youth
And our lives are forever changed
We will never be the same
The more you change, the less you feel

Believe in me

That life can change
That you're not stuck in vain
We're not the same, we're different

So bright

And you know you're never sure
But you're sure you could be right
If you held yourself up to the light
And the embers never fade
In your city by the lake
The place where you were born

Believe in me

In the resolute urgency of now
And if you believe there's not a chance tonight

So bright

We'll crucify the insincere tonight
We'll make things right
We'll feel it all tonight
We'll find a way to offer up the night
The indescribable moments of your life
The impossible is possible
Believe in me as I believe in you
-- The Smashing Pumpkings